DTS – Discipleship Training School – is an intense, challenging, fun and transforming journey in getting to know God, in a practical way, through His word, life in community, meditation and service.
The main emphasis of DTS is to know God deeply, not only by intellect, but mainly through daily and constant personal experiences. We believe that listening to God’s voice and being able to discern it is extremely important for the relationship with God.
DTS offers people the opportunity to have their character and personality transformed and strengthened to find out and fully live God’s purpose for their lives.
If your desire is to know God, your purpose and identity, we encourage you to join us in this intense journey of 3 months of studies with teachers from different nations and another 2 months of outreach for applying what you have learned, supporting and serving at churches, schools, orphanages among other projects inside and / or outside Portugal.
Our DTS’s always happens in the first semester of the year! If you have got this far it is because God is leading you to the next stage of your life and on this journey we would like to encourage you to pray and listen to God about joining us for this time of deep immersion in getting to know God and making Him known, here in YWAM Lisbon.